Why Some Pet Odor & Pet Stain Removal Products Don’t Work
Why Some Pet Odor & Pet Stain Removal Products Don’t Work
By André DeLano
How often do you get a product that claims to work and you are disappointed with the outcome? As a carpet cleaning expert I see this all the time. It’s not that the companies selling these products don’t think that they’ll work for you, but their success is usually limited to “controlled” situations…let me explain:
Pet odor removal is a tough nut to crack; it’s tough because of the environment and the different elements that are involved with the environment within your home.
Why Environment Matters
The environment matters because when the product companies test these products under “controlled” conditions the product works; therefore they consider it to be successful. Most pet odor and stain removal is not done under “controlled” conditions therefore pet odor removal becomes a hit or miss situation. There is a way to solve this, use a product that has been proven effective for your situation. I’ll give you a resource for that. But first…
What You’ll Need For Success
1. You will need to know the source of the urine odor and where it is located (ALL of it).
This may seem simple, the truth is most pet owners “assume” they know the locations of all the odors and stains; they miss the transparent ones, the odors spots that are naked to the eye, therefore having the right tools is very important for your success.
Tools you will need for success.
2. One tool very important to your success is a black light.
Many pet owners have heard this and even own a black light; but what most pet owners don’t know is what to do with the stains once they found them with the black light. The black light is to help you locate the source of the odors.
This is the most critical element of your approach. Ok, now that we identify the Pet Odor deposits what do we do?
Many pet owners use a home remedy, grab a pet odor/stain remover or use their favorite carpet deodorizing product. At first it seems the product is working, but after a few hours discovers the odor just got worst! This leads to frustration because the instructions were carefully followed and the prescribed wait time was adhered to, so why is the odor worst?
Here’s why… When you hydrate urine salts (this is what urine is loaded with) it wakes up a sleeping giant! The truth is…It has to get worst to get better…Bummer! Sorry to inform you of this, but in odor to break it done, it must be hydrated, so that pet odor removal product can break it down, digest it and ultimately kill the source.
But that’s what lacking in the store bought products. They don’t have enough (if any) ability to break down the proteins in the urine to get results! But what they do well is hydrate the spot an usually make the odor come back with a vengents, This why it is essential to seek out a product that is specific to this concern, not a multiple use product that only wets the spot, adds perfumes and only ends up driving the urine deep into the pad, unfortunately this virtually dooms the pet owner to long term recurring odor problems.
Perfumes are only temporary cover-up to a deeper problem.
Now Second Critical Tool You’ll Need For Success.
The next tool you’ll need for success is knowledge.
It’s not enough to have a black light, or a product that may give you a slight chance of destroying the odor, you need knowledge to know how to deal with your current situation.
You’re probably wondering “What knowledge do I need”?
Here’s the answer: Pet urine and odor stains come in two varieties the stain you can see and the odor you usually don’t see. Again, you need to know where the source of the odor is coming from; you will also need to decide if you are treating a stain (visible) or an odor area (usually invisible to the eye). Knowing these two will help you decide which product to use.
It is very critical to your success to match the right product with the right situation (stain or odor removal). Most people treat a visible stain with an odor removal product which makes no sense; would you take your pet to your dentist for treatment – it makes no sense? Using the right product is vitally important.
A pet stain must have a pet stain remover. That guarantees results! Treating a urine stain with a perfumed based cleaner will usually yield disappointing results. How many people do you know with a cabinet or two filled with solutions that did not work, how many do you have?
Many pet owners use an over the counter cleaner in addition to a so called odor and stain removal product. This combination doesn’t work; these products are not targeting your specific need.
The major reason pet odors reoccurs is because odor and stain removal products don’t work in your home the same way they did in the test lab. The test lab may have only tested one deposit where your pet may have made many deposits by the time you purchase their product. Another reason the odor reoccurs is that applying muli use product only covering up the problem instead of getting to the root cause.
When the root cause of the odor is not properly handled it can make complete removal ten times harder, those perfumed cover up products push the odor causing molecules deeper and deeper into the fabric thus making it harder for complete removal.
So How Do You Remove Pet Stains And Odor For good?
First get a black light to help you find all the urine and odor spots
Decide if you are working with an odor or stain area
Treat the area with the right products
Then check for success.
If you have the right tools, the knowledge to know exactly what you are looking for and the correct Pet odor and Pet Stain remover you will have success.
As I mentioned earlier I’d give you a definitive source for products and tools that work. Go to: pet odor removal
Visit this site if you want results and no excuses. www.petstainrmoval.com
About The AuthorAndré DeLano is a stainologist for pet stains and pet odor removal. His services are sought after throughout the US and not just from consumers, but other carpet cleaning professional looking to solve their clients concerns.
If you want help or want the fastest, easiest and safest way to get results… Go to pet odor & pet stainremoval for cat urine & dogs and discover how he can help you with your concerns for good! Do it now while it’s fresh on your mind.
By André DeLano
How often do you get a product that claims to work and you are disappointed with the outcome? As a carpet cleaning expert I see this all the time. It’s not that the companies selling these products don’t think that they’ll work for you, but their success is usually limited to “controlled” situations…let me explain:
Pet odor removal is a tough nut to crack; it’s tough because of the environment and the different elements that are involved with the environment within your home.
Why Environment Matters
The environment matters because when the product companies test these products under “controlled” conditions the product works; therefore they consider it to be successful. Most pet odor and stain removal is not done under “controlled” conditions therefore pet odor removal becomes a hit or miss situation. There is a way to solve this, use a product that has been proven effective for your situation. I’ll give you a resource for that. But first…
What You’ll Need For Success
1. You will need to know the source of the urine odor and where it is located (ALL of it).
This may seem simple, the truth is most pet owners “assume” they know the locations of all the odors and stains; they miss the transparent ones, the odors spots that are naked to the eye, therefore having the right tools is very important for your success.
Tools you will need for success.
2. One tool very important to your success is a black light.
Many pet owners have heard this and even own a black light; but what most pet owners don’t know is what to do with the stains once they found them with the black light. The black light is to help you locate the source of the odors.
This is the most critical element of your approach. Ok, now that we identify the Pet Odor deposits what do we do?
Many pet owners use a home remedy, grab a pet odor/stain remover or use their favorite carpet deodorizing product. At first it seems the product is working, but after a few hours discovers the odor just got worst! This leads to frustration because the instructions were carefully followed and the prescribed wait time was adhered to, so why is the odor worst?
Here’s why… When you hydrate urine salts (this is what urine is loaded with) it wakes up a sleeping giant! The truth is…It has to get worst to get better…Bummer! Sorry to inform you of this, but in odor to break it done, it must be hydrated, so that pet odor removal product can break it down, digest it and ultimately kill the source.
But that’s what lacking in the store bought products. They don’t have enough (if any) ability to break down the proteins in the urine to get results! But what they do well is hydrate the spot an usually make the odor come back with a vengents, This why it is essential to seek out a product that is specific to this concern, not a multiple use product that only wets the spot, adds perfumes and only ends up driving the urine deep into the pad, unfortunately this virtually dooms the pet owner to long term recurring odor problems.
Perfumes are only temporary cover-up to a deeper problem.
Now Second Critical Tool You’ll Need For Success.
The next tool you’ll need for success is knowledge.
It’s not enough to have a black light, or a product that may give you a slight chance of destroying the odor, you need knowledge to know how to deal with your current situation.
You’re probably wondering “What knowledge do I need”?
Here’s the answer: Pet urine and odor stains come in two varieties the stain you can see and the odor you usually don’t see. Again, you need to know where the source of the odor is coming from; you will also need to decide if you are treating a stain (visible) or an odor area (usually invisible to the eye). Knowing these two will help you decide which product to use.
It is very critical to your success to match the right product with the right situation (stain or odor removal). Most people treat a visible stain with an odor removal product which makes no sense; would you take your pet to your dentist for treatment – it makes no sense? Using the right product is vitally important.
A pet stain must have a pet stain remover. That guarantees results! Treating a urine stain with a perfumed based cleaner will usually yield disappointing results. How many people do you know with a cabinet or two filled with solutions that did not work, how many do you have?
Many pet owners use an over the counter cleaner in addition to a so called odor and stain removal product. This combination doesn’t work; these products are not targeting your specific need.
The major reason pet odors reoccurs is because odor and stain removal products don’t work in your home the same way they did in the test lab. The test lab may have only tested one deposit where your pet may have made many deposits by the time you purchase their product. Another reason the odor reoccurs is that applying muli use product only covering up the problem instead of getting to the root cause.
When the root cause of the odor is not properly handled it can make complete removal ten times harder, those perfumed cover up products push the odor causing molecules deeper and deeper into the fabric thus making it harder for complete removal.
So How Do You Remove Pet Stains And Odor For good?
First get a black light to help you find all the urine and odor spots
Decide if you are working with an odor or stain area
Treat the area with the right products
Then check for success.
If you have the right tools, the knowledge to know exactly what you are looking for and the correct Pet odor and Pet Stain remover you will have success.
As I mentioned earlier I’d give you a definitive source for products and tools that work. Go to: pet odor removal
Visit this site if you want results and no excuses. www.petstainrmoval.com
About The AuthorAndré DeLano is a stainologist for pet stains and pet odor removal. His services are sought after throughout the US and not just from consumers, but other carpet cleaning professional looking to solve their clients concerns.
If you want help or want the fastest, easiest and safest way to get results… Go to pet odor & pet stainremoval for cat urine & dogs and discover how he can help you with your concerns for good! Do it now while it’s fresh on your mind.