Pet Stain Removal & Pet Odor Removal
I recieved a call asking if a pet stain could be removed from cat food bile/vomit. The answer was yes, but I needed to know what caused the stain.
She said it was from vomit. After talking to her for a minute, I discovered that what the cat was eating is what caused the stain.
I took the job and within a half hr. removed the stain using Pet Friendly For Stains if the Pet stain remover that we use and guarantee results locally.
She was so impressed that she decided to get her own quart of the product.
She mentioned after I was done, that she was glad I had something that she could use, because she didn't want to keep calling me for stain removal & carpet cleaning everytime her cats had a accident.
I'm Glad to report that we removed the stains, Some areas needed some heavy treatement and needed to set for awhile before all of the stains are gone.
I assured her that success will be achieved within 72 hours.
By the time I left about 5-7 stains were slightly visible, the reason why, they were areas that she treated before discovering me. so those stains would need alittle more time.
If you have a question or need Pet stain removal you can email me at or visits Pet-stain-removal com and get the pet stain removal product she got.
P.s. Hope you keep a fresh smelling stain free carpet, if not go to Pet Odor Removal and get the results you deserve.
She said it was from vomit. After talking to her for a minute, I discovered that what the cat was eating is what caused the stain.
I took the job and within a half hr. removed the stain using Pet Friendly For Stains if the Pet stain remover that we use and guarantee results locally.
She was so impressed that she decided to get her own quart of the product.
She mentioned after I was done, that she was glad I had something that she could use, because she didn't want to keep calling me for stain removal & carpet cleaning everytime her cats had a accident.
I'm Glad to report that we removed the stains, Some areas needed some heavy treatement and needed to set for awhile before all of the stains are gone.
I assured her that success will be achieved within 72 hours.
By the time I left about 5-7 stains were slightly visible, the reason why, they were areas that she treated before discovering me. so those stains would need alittle more time.
If you have a question or need Pet stain removal you can email me at or visits Pet-stain-removal com and get the pet stain removal product she got.
P.s. Hope you keep a fresh smelling stain free carpet, if not go to Pet Odor Removal and get the results you deserve.