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Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Carpet Repair & Restretching-Naperville Il

Carpet Repair & Restretching-Naperville Il

Got call for a client who tried to repair an area in a doorway with his father. The did a good job, but cut the carpet in the wrong direction. At first you couldn't tell, but after removing the patched piece, it was obvious.
They lived a town over from my office in Oswego il

The Carpet Repairneeded was simple, but they had one concern.

They had delaminated carpet, it was because of over use of a cleaning agent. Try to avoid this.

Essentially the glue detached away from the carpet. Making it difficult to do a good carpet repair.

I was able to bond it back together, then trimmed a piece of a doner pcs of carpet...and all went well.

If you have a carpet repair in a door way call my office now.
630-922-1622. We can fix this within an hour or less.

Thanks for stopping by.

this carpet repair